Logic must dictate that the most extreme form of intervention ought to be a last resort
Logic must dictate that the most extreme form of intervention ought to be a last resort
- When should I have surgery?
If you've been hit by a bus, no amount of Rolfing can help you! Acute injuries like these often require expert medical care immediately. However, chronic injuries –persistent aches and pains that often pop up out of nowhere – are a completely different story. Seldom do surgeons guarantee results; by electing to operate you risk doing more harm than good. The alternatives to surgery you're not being told about offer the same benefits, and often involve far fewer compromises.
- I've been told my condition is 'degenerative'
Contrary to popular belief, human beings are not built to break. Don't be frightened by a daunting diagnosis; if something can degenerate, there's no reason why it can't regenerate. If you understand the body, and are willing to work with it, not only can you move beyond your symptoms, it's possible to create a body that never suffered them in the first place. Several of my clients have done exactly that; and for some all it took was just a handful of sessions.
- Is Rolfing an alternative to medical care?
Yes. Medical treatment comes in two forms: medicine and surgery. All other forms of healthcare, such as Rolfing, are collectively known as complementary therapies as they are seen to complement mainstream medical care. The Rolfing method is unique amongst chronic pain management techniques as Rolfing treatment involves hands-on fascial tissue manipulation alone. As such it's best thought of as an alternative to medical treatment (both medicine & surgery) and not as alternative medicine.
- I've tried everything - I'll never live without pain
If there's one thing that unites long-time sufferers of chronic pain, it's a resignation they'll have to live with it forever. Happily, they are mistaken. You haven't run out of options just yet – hold on to hope, commit to Rolfing and I guarantee you'll thank yourself for persevering. I'm walking, talking proof of it.